All I see, all I feel, I write it down.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's All About My Hobbies!

5:59 AM Posted by Jafrin No comments
Traveling has been my hobby since the high school days. Whenever I get a vacation, I just set for an adventurous tour. My destination is all over the world. Some times I have to get help from different travel agencies. Markham travel agency was one of them.  It was an excellent experience with them.

I am also fond of reading entertaining and informative stories. It helps to enrich my depth of knowledge. It gives me an idea about the whole world.

Now, you may ask which is better?
Well, for me both are equally important. Reading books help me to acquire theoretical knowledge, where traveling gives me practical experiences.

I love both of my hobbies: Traveling & Reading! 


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