All I see, all I feel, I write it down.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's All About My Hobbies!

5:59 AM Posted by Jafrin No comments
Traveling has been my hobby since the high school days. Whenever I get a vacation, I just set for an adventurous tour. My destination is all over the world. Some times I have to get help from different travel agencies. Markham travel agency was one of them.  It was an excellent experience with them.

I am also fond of reading entertaining and informative stories. It helps to enrich my depth of knowledge. It gives me an idea about the whole world.

Now, you may ask which is better?
Well, for me both are equally important. Reading books help me to acquire theoretical knowledge, where traveling gives me practical experiences.

I love both of my hobbies: Traveling & Reading! 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Solution for the "Sleepless Nights"

6:19 AM Posted by Jafrin No comments
My Roommate Maria. She suffers from insomnia very badly. I feel really sorry for her. Some times she only has 3 hours sleeping a day for months. She feels dizzy all the day and can not concentrate in her works properly.
So, I looked for the solution of her problem. I read out some books and visited some websites. There I found that sleep cortisol is the main culprit behind sleepless nights . It is a hormone which causes anti sleep acts. The more cortisol level in your blood, the more sleeping problem you may face!
It is even more surprising that there is a link between sleep and depression. So, be aware if you have similar problems.
Is there any effective aid for the problem?
Yes! I find it out for Maria. Among all other sleep aids , Melatonin is very effective and almost completely safe.
You should not misuse it, just try it to feel better!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Some More Famous Quotes

4:09 AM Posted by Jafrin No comments
"I restore myself when I'm alone"
Not me! Marilyn Monroe says that. But I think, we all should do this. The magic of some good marilyn monroe quote is that it teaches you the truth of reality in a very bold way. She talks about life, talent, career, emotion & everything!
"I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent."
This line shows you the humane feeling of this heart throb star. Some of the quotes are funny too. Like:
"I don't mind making jokes, but I don't want to look like one."
 Again, some are clearly bold declaration:
"Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature."
Want more Marilyn Monroe quotes?
Visit the page: is good collection of all these quotes.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How To Impress Your Friends With Famous Quotes

8:27 AM Posted by Jafrin No comments
"The sky is the limit"
- this is my motto of life.
Do you know where did I get this inspiration?
It's from lil wayne quotes . I am sure u know him. Yea! The famous American rapper! There is a good collection of his quotes in some of the websites.
Not only him, drake quotes is also in my favorite list.
"Everybody dies but not everybody lives"
"Don't go through life, grow through life"
- Wow! That's cool! Isn't it?
I memorize those quotes and throw them to my friends. They are really impressed with all the good quotes about life, love, people, and what not! I try to follow those in my own life. You know, why?
Because, "I prefer the better things." (Drake)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Famous Love Stories

11:11 AM Posted by Jafrin 1 comment
It was one Friday, last month when my friend Ela came to visit me. I was happy to see her but soon my pleasure fade away when I heard that she is down with her personal problems.

"I had a break up with John(her boy friend)", she cried out!

"Why my dear?"

"He is such an unromantic guy! There is no more fun with him. He forgets to bring flowers for me, he never allow outing in holidays, there is even no more sweet talks between us", Ela weeps over in sorrow.

"Well, I see! Let me deal with your Unromantic Boyfriend, honey." I smiled, because I knew the solution of their little chit chat.

I called John immediately and asked about the fact. He accepted his shortcomings and requested for a help to overcome the situation.

I told John about the importance of expressing love to the beloved ones. Love is infinitive. Love is immortal. Love has the immense power of purifying one's soul. But you have to speak out the feelings of your heart to your lover. For that, you can write letters to express your limitless emotions.

John: "What are the ways of doing so?"

Me: "Here is a clue: you can follow the famous love letters of the greatest lovers in the history. Your mind will just over flow if you read those writings."

"How to find out those letters?" John was eager to know.

"There are famous books and movies about them. You can go through those. I also know about an interesting site specially helpful for you. Take help and get benefited! My best wishes are always with you."

Finally, Ela and John were connected through their love line again. John followed my words and was grateful to my cordial suggestions.

I am so happy for the sweet couple.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011


6:58 AM Posted by Jafrin No comments
It was an wonderful experience! Me and other 40 more friends of mine went for a pleasure trip recently. our destination was Cox's Bazar- the longest sea beach of the world ( an unbroken 125 km sandy sea beach with a gentle slope) and also the astonishing hills of Bandarban ( the home of heighest peaks of Bangladesh). I want share some pictures of the memorable tour.
In order to know more about the beauty of Cox's Bazar, you can click this link
more information about Bandarban is here.

Here I am giving only the pictures of Bandarban. Others will be posted later.